Scroll Effect


To accomplish the above objectives, the Centre is well-equipped with the state-of –the art facilities such as:


Name of the Instruments Supplier
NMR (300MHz) Bruker
Preparative HPLC Waters
GC-MS with FAD and FID Perkin Elmer
GC with ECD Perkin Elmer
UV Spectrophotometer Perkin Elmer
Refrigerated Centrifuge Sigma
ELISA Reader Qualigens
ELISA Washer Qualigens
Semi –auto analyzer Qualigens
Auto - Analyzer Shan Biotech
Deep Freezer Cryo Scientific
Analytical Balance Metlar
FTIR Perkin Elmer
AAS Perkin Elmer
Graphite Furnace Perkin Elmer
Multiwave Digestion System Perkin Elmer
Particle Size Analyser AccuSizer, USA
Polarized Research Microscope with camera Leica
Trinocular Light Microscope with camera Olympus
Liquid Scintillation Counter Beta and Gama Perkin Elmer
PCR eppendorf
Fermentor New Brunswick Scientific Company
Laminar airflow chamber New Brunswick Scientific Company
Lyophilizer Christ
Flame Photometers Systronics
Gama Ray Counter Thermo
5 Parts Fully Automated hematology System Orphee
A15 Auto Analyszer Bio System
Gel Documentation BioRad
Gel Dryer BioRad
CHNSO Analyser Perkin Elmer
Milli-Q Gradient Water Purifier    System (ELIX-10) Elix
Fume cupboard Klean Zone Systems
Filtration Unit Millipore
Electrophoresis unit Biotech
Cooling Centrifuge Remi Motors
Weighing Machines – 2 Nos. Amekette Analytics
Eddy’s hot plate INCO
De-Ionizer Ion Exchange Limited
Student Universal Kymograph INCO
Histamine chamber INCO
Dale’s mono bath INCO
Tele-thermometer INCO
Water Kit Analyzer Systronics
Minor equipments like, Muffle Furnace, pH Meter
 (digital), Rock grinder with agate pestle and mortar
Aravind Scientific
Rotary Vacuum Evaporator Super fit
Plethysmograph Madras Scientific Co., Trichy
Rota Rod Apparatus INCO
Computers & Accessories 50 HCL Systems & 1 IBM
Xerox Machine Gestetner
Online UPS 12 KVA - 2 Nos Laknar
Online UPS 20 KVA - 2 Nos Numeric Electronics Pvt. Ltd.,
LCD Projectors – 5 Nos Onida
Refrigerator – 5 Nos Whirlpool, Samsung -3 Nos.
Laptop IBM
Autoclave Reliance Instruments
Hot Air Ovens Semco
Shaker Scigenics Biotech
Digital Colony Counter Deep Vision
Centrifuges Remi
Cyclomixer Remi Equipments Pvt. Ltd.,
Deep Freezer Blue Star
Incubators Semco
Spectrophotometers Systronics
Electronic Balances Schimadzu
Magnetic Stirrers RAAGAA Industries
Cooling Centrifuge Remi
BOD incubator Aravind Scientific Suppliers
Laminar Airflow Chamber Kleanzone System
Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope Weswox
Stereo Zoom Binocular Microscope with attached camera Motic (09) Nos.
Stereo Zoom Trinocular Research Microscope with attached camera Leica
Binocular Microscope Weswox
Student Microscope with camera lucida (No.9) Ajay Optics & Weswox
Microtomes Lazer
Ultra Microtome Leica
Air-Conditioned Animal House with CPCSEA clearance



Name of the Instruments Company Make
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Bruker
High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) CAMAG
UV Spectrophotometer Perkin Elmer
Refrigerated Centrifuge Sigma
Deep Freezer Cryo Scientific
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) Perkin Elmer
Tablet Disintegration Tester Khera Scientific works
Graphite furnace Perkin Elmer
Multiwave digestion systems Perkin Elmer
Flame Photometer Systronics
Capillary Electrophoresis Hoefer
Cooling Centrifuge Remi Motors
Olympus Polarized Research Microscope Olympus
APO Zoom Stereomicroscope & Digital camera Leica
Rotary vacuum evaporator Super fit
Lyophilizer Christ
ZetaSizer Malvern
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) Thermo fisher
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) Thermo fisher
X-ray fluorescence(XRF) spectrometer M/s BRUKER AXS GmbH, Germany
X-ray powder diffraction(XRD) Bruker
Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) Bruker Daltonik GmBH
Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) Perkin Elmer
Thermogravimetric/Differential Thermal Analyzer(TG/DTA) TA Instruments
Surface Area Analyzer Micromeritics
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) GmBh, Germany
Liquid Scintillation Beta Counter Perkin Elmer
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer (F-7000) Hitachi
Ultracentrifuge Beckman Coulter
Particle Size Analyzer AccuSizer
Master Cycler (PCR) Eppendorf
Ultra Microtome Leica
Western Blot Unit Bio-Rad
Digital Colony Counter Deep Vision
Gel Documentation System Bio Rad Laboratories, Australia
Central Animal Facility with CPCSEA clearance


Thanjavur - 613401
Tamilnadu, India

+91 4362 264101 - 108
        304000 - 010
+91 4362 264120
