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The Centre gives thrust to impart modern technology and biotechnology into the aspects of teaching, training and drug manufacturing of the traditional systems of Indian medicine especially Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani and other related fields. There is hardly any scientifically based approach either in applying a formula or going for the production of drug by means of modern appliances in Indian System of Medicine. In spite of the advancement made in biotechnology in the recent past, Indian Industries are reluctant to step in to the R & D in Indian System of Medicine due to the lack of faith in the safety and efficacy of the traditional drugs. There is resurgence of interest for the use of plant based Indian drugs in national and global markets in view of their lack of side effects and low cost. Consumers have a lot of expectations in globalizing the same with due scientific explanations, improved dosage form of those drugs, treatment, etc. To meet the growing demand of the consumers, it is necessary to introduce modern technology and biotechnology in this sector not only in establishing the safety but also in producing the drugs in large scale by using the modern technological devices.


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Tamilnadu, India

+91 4362 264101 - 108
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+91 4362 264120
