Research Publications
Research Publications - National
1. Subasini, U., Kavimani and Uma Maheshwari R. (2000) “Phytochemical and Pharmacological Evaluation of Ampelocissus lattifolia”, Journal Ancient Science of life 20, Abs.Vol., pp.14-18.
2. Hannah R.Vasanthi, Saraswathy, A. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2002) Vitamin- E (tocopheral) content in some marine marcroalgae of Gulf of Mannar. Seaweed Res. Utilization, Vol.24(1), pp.107-110.
3. Hannah R. Vasanthi A. Saraswathy and Rajamanickam G.V. (2002) Vitamin-E (tocopheral) content in some marine marcroalgae of Gulf of Mannar, Seaweed Res. Utilization, 24(1), pp. 107-110.
4. Hannah R Vasathi, Saraswathy, A. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2002) Natural antioxidant in some marine microalgae of the Gulf of Mannar. Proc. Nat. Sem. Marine and Coastal Ecosystem : Coral and Mangrove- Problem and management strategies, pp. 159-164.
5. B.Parimala Devi, R. Boominathan, Subhash C. Mandal (2002) Studies on pharmacognostical profiles of Clitoria ternate Linn root. Indian Journal of Natural products, Vol.18(2), pp.12-15.
6. B.Parimala Devi, R. Boominathan, Subhash C. (2002) Evaluation of anti inflammatory activity of Cleome viscosa Linn. Mandal Indian Journal of Natural products, Vol.19(2), pp.8-12.
7. B.Parimala Devi, R. Boominathan, Subhash C. Mandal (2003) Pharmacognostical profiles of Cleome viscosa Linn. Ancient science of life India Vol. xxii(4), May, June.
8. Hannah R Vasanthi and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2003) Natural Antioxidants in some marine macro algae of the Gulf of Marine Mannar. Proc.Natl. Sem. Coastal Ecosystem, pp. 159-164.
9. Hannah R Vasanthi and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2003) Variation of chemical constituent of Hypnea valintiae at Tuticorin and Mandapam coast - an environmental impacts. Seaweed Res., Utilization, V.25, pp. 115-122.
10. Hannah R Vasanthi and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2003) Fatty acid profile of some marine macro algae in and around Rameshwaram coastal waters. Seaweed Res., Utilization, V.25, pp. 123-126.
11. Hannah R. Vasanthi, A. Saraswathy & Rajamanickam G.V (2003) Fatty acid profile of some marine macroalgae in and around Rameshwaram coastal waters, Seaweed Res. Utiln.25(1&2), pp.123-126.
12. Hannah R. Vasanthi & Rajamanickam G. V (2003) Variations in the chemical constituents present in Hypnea valentiae in Tuticorin and Mandapam coast- an environmental impact, Seaweed Res. Utiln. 25(1&2), pp.115-121.
13. Upadhyay, L. and Tripathi, K. (2003) Clinical evaluation of a herbal compound in the management of diabetes mellitus The Antiseptic, Supp.100 (9): 67-69.
14. Upadhyay, L., Srivastava, R., Dubey, S.D. and Tripathi, K.. (2003) Effect of Nerium indicum, Nerium odorum AND Thevetia nerifolia Cardiac Function of Frog Heart. The Antiseptic, 100: 407-409.
15. Upadhyay, L. and Tripathi, K. (2003) Renal failure: An Ayurvedic perspective on modern clinical parameters. The Antiseptic.
16. Hannah R Vasanthi and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2003) Control of Urinary risk factors of Padina boegersenii (Allander & Kraft) a brown algae on experimental hyperoxaluria. Jour. of Natural Remedies, V. 3/2, pp.189-194.
17. Hannah R. Vasanthi, A. Jaswanth, A. Saraswathy & Rajamanickam G.V (2003) Control of urinary risk factors of stones by Padina boergesenii (Allander & Kraft), a brown algae in experimental hyperoxaluria, Journal of Natural. Remedies, 3/2, pp.189-194.
18. Hannah R Vasanthi and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2004) Vitamin-C (ascorbic acid) Content and its Relationship with Metal Ions in Some Marine Macroalgae. Indian Hydrobiology, Vol. 7(1&2), pp. 29-34.
19. Hannah R Vasanthi, Saraswathy, A., Jaswanth, A. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2004) Tumoricidal Effect of the Red Alga Acanthophora spicifera on Earth’s Ascites Carcinoma Cells Utilization. Seaweed Res., V.26(1&2), pp. 217-223.
20. Hannah R. Vasanthi and Rajamanickam G. V (2004) Vitamin-C (ascorbic acid) content and its relationship with metal ions in some marine microalgae, Hydrobiology(1&2), pp.29-34.
21. Hannah R. Vasanthi, A. Jaswanth, A. Saraswathy & (2004) Tumoricidal effect of the red alga Acanthophora spicifera on Ehrlich’s ascites carcinoma cells, Seaweed Res. Utiln.25,pp. 217-223.
22. Uma Maheshwari, R., and Subasini, U., (2004) “Faster Release Formulations of Nimesulide” Pharmaceutical Technology, AP l23 – Pharmaceutical Technology, pp.167.
23. Subasini, U., Uma Maheswari R., Kavimani and Rajamanickam, G.V., (2005) Preliminary studies on the anti-inflammatory effect of Nigella Sativa seeds. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences 27: pp. 473-477.
24. Hannah R. Vasanthi, A. I. Charles Dorni, K. S. Vidyalakshmi and G.V. Rajamanickam (2005) Free Radical scavenging and Antioxidant activity of a Red Algae Acanthophora spicifera–Relation to its chemical composition. Sea Weed Research Utilisation.
25. Kushwaha, R.K., Pandey, H.P., Tripathi, K. and Upadhyay, L. (2005) Behaviour of uraemic toxins in post-surgical acute renal failure. The Antiseptic.
26. Irudaya Charles Dorni, A. (2005) presented a paper on “Anti-inflammatory activity of Corallocarpus epigaeus at Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, during 17th and 18th March 2005.
27. Subasini, U., Uma Maheswari, R., Kavimani and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2005) Preliminary studies on the anti-inflammatory effect of Nigella Sativa seeds. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences 27: pp. 473-477.
28. Subrata K Mandal, R. Boominathan, B. Parimala Devi, Soikat dewanjee, & Subhash C.Mandal, (2005) Analgesic activity of Eupatorium adenophorum sprng leaves. Indian Journal Of Experimental Biology Vol 43, pp.662-663.
29. Subasini, U., Uma Maheshwari R., Rajamanickam, G.V. and Dubey, G.P., (2006) “Chronic Toxicity of Smilax Chinensis”, Journal of Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, pp. 235-238.
30. Parimala Devi, B., Boominathan, R. and Subhash C.Mandal (2006) Antimicrobial evaluation of Cleome viscose Linn. (Family: Capparidaceae). Indian Journal of Natural Products, Vol.22(2), pp.28-30.
31. Subasini, U., Uma Maheshwari R., Rajamanickam, G.V. and Dubey, G.P. (2006) “Chronic Toxicity of Smilax Chinensis”, Journal of Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, pp. 235-238.
32. Aruna Agarwal, Abhilasha Sharma, Dubey, G.P. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2006) Age Consistent Cognitive Decline–An Ayurvedic Pharmacological Management. Indian Journal of Gerontology, Vol.20(4), pp. 317-336.
33. Aruna Agrawal, Abilasha Sharma, Victor Rajamanickam, G. and Dubey, G.P. (2006) Age Consistent Congestive Decline – An Ayurvedic Pharmacological Management. Indian Journal of Gerontology, Vol.20, pp.317-336.
34. Eugene Wilson, Rajamanickam, G.V. Neera Vyas, Agarwal, A. and Dubey, G.P. (2007) Herbs Used in Siddha Medicine for Arthritis – A Review., Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, New Delhi), Vol.6(4), pp.678-686.
35. Ravikunmar, V.R, Samuael Joshua, L, Gopal, V. and Parimala Devi, B. (2007) Natural drug used in Dental pain. The Antiseptic, Vol. 104(12) pp.636.
36. Parimala Devi, B. (2007) Culinary Herbs. The Antiseptic. 104(9): pp.482-485.
37. Eugene Wilson, Rajamanickam, G.V., Neera Vyas, Agarwal, A. and Dubey, G.P. (2007) Herbs used in Siddha medicine for arthritis – A review. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, NISCAIR Publications, pp.1-19.
38. Subasini, U., Parimala Devi, B., Rajamanickam, G.V., Dubey, G.P., Arunal Agarwal, Manisha Rastogi, Rudra P.Ohja (2007) Therapeutic potential of Medicinal plants in the management of Alzhimer’s disease. Journal of pharmaceutical Biology, (In press).
39. Dubey, G.P., Subasini, U., Rajamanickam, G.V. and Aruna Agrawal (2008) Neuropsycho cardiology risk associated with menopause benefits of plant based formulation. Jour. Res. Ayureda and Siddha, Vol.29(1), pp. 11-18.
40. Dubey, G.P., Subasini, U., Victor Rajamanickam, G. and Aruna Agrawal (2008) Neuropsycho-cardiology Risk Associated with Menopause Syndrome in Women – Benefits and Plants Based Formulation. Vol.39(1), pp.101-122.
41. Aruna Agrawal, Abilasha Sharma, Victor Rajamanickam, G. and Dubey, G.P. (2008) Age related neuro-chemical and neuro-psychological modulation of Hippophae rahmnoids with special reference to Senile dementia. Jour. Res. Ayureda and Siddha, Vol.29, pp.123-145.
1. Subasini, U., Sahayam, S., Raghu P.S., Hannah R. Vasanthi, Rajamanickam, G. V. and Dubey, G. P., (2005) De-pigmentation For Leucoderma –Transgenic Black Mice as a Preclinical Model, International Pharmacology and Toxicology. (In press).
2. Hannah R.Vasanthi, Jaswanth, A., Krishnaraj, V., Saraswathy, A., and Rajamanickam G.V. (2003) In-vitro snake venom detoxifying action of some marine algae of Gulf of Mannar, Phytother. Res.17, pp.1217-1219.
3. Vidyalakshmi, K.S., Charles Dorni, A.I., Jayachandran, K.S., Hannah R. Vasanthi, Rajamanickam, G.V. and Dubey, G.P. (2005) Studies on the antioxidant activities of Corallocarpus epigaeus., Phytotherapy Research.
4. Eugene Wilson, G. V. Rajamanickam, Subashini, A. Agarwal, S. L. Maheswari, R. Venkatakrishna Murali and G. P. Dubey (2006) Safety Evaluation of Ayurvedic Formulations to the Journal of American Medical Association.
5. Subasini, U., Sahayam, S., Raghu, P. S., Agarwal, A., Dubey, G. P. and Rajamanickam, G. V. (2006) Preclinical Model for Leucoderma from transgenic Black Mice: De-pigmentation. Fitoterapia, London.
6. Subasini, U., Dubey, G.P., Prabu, P.C., Savariraj Sahayam, C., Mohammed Shabi, M., Gayathri, K., Aruna Agrawal and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2006) Hydroalcoholic Extract of Terminalia arjuna: A Potential Hepatoprotective Herb. International Journal of Pharmacology, pp.1-10.
7. Hannah R Vasanthi, Jaswanth, A., Krishnaraj, V., Saraswathy, A. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2003) Invitro snake venom detoxifying action of some marine algae of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. Phytotherapy Research, pp. 1-7.
8. Subasini, U., Sahayam, S., Raghu, P.S., Agarwal, A., Dubey, G.P. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2006) Preclinical Model for Leucoderma from transgenic Black Mice:De-pigmentation. Fitoterapia, London, In Press.
9. Subasini, U., Dubey, G.P., Prabu, P.C., Savariraj Sahayam, C., Mohammed Shabi, M., Gayathri, K. Aruna Agrawal and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2006) Hydroalcoholic Extract of Terminalia arjuna: A Potential Hepatoprotective Herb. International Journal of Pharmacology, pp. 1-10.
10. Subasini, U., Dubey, G.P., Prabu, P.C., Savariraj Sahayam, C., Mohammed Shabi, M., Gayathri, K., Aruna Agrawal and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2007) Hydroalcoholic Extract of Terminalia arjuna: A Potential Hepatoprotective Herb. Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol.7(2), pp. 255-262.
11. Gayathri, K., Dhevi, R., Mohammed Shabi, M., Subashini, U., Dubey, G.P., Devi, C., Chitra, M. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2007) P.tomentosa: reno-protective and membrane stability. Biomedicine, Vol.27(4), October-December, pp.146-150.
12. B. Parimala Devi, R.Boominathan and Subhash C. Mandal (2003) Studies on analgesic activity of Cleome viscosa in mice”. Fitoterapia 74;262-266, 2003.
13. B. Parimala Devi, R.Boominathan and Subhash C. Mandal (2003) Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties of Clitoria ternatea root”. Fitoterapia. 74 :345-349.
14. B. Parimala Devi, R.Boominathan and Subhash C. Mandal (2003) Evaluation of antipyretic potential of Cleome viscosa Linn. (Capparidaceae) extract in rats”. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 87, 11-13.
15. Subhash C.Mandal, R. Boominathan and B. Parimala Devi (2003) Studies on Anti- tussive on Activity of Ionidium suffruticosam (Violaceae) Leaf extract in mice. Phytotherpy Research, UK 17, 7, 838-839.
16. Parimala Devi, B., Boominathan, R. and Subhash C.Mandal (2004) Evaluation of Anti-pyretic Activity of Clitoria ternatea Linn Root Extract in Rats”. Phytomedicine 11: 323-326.
17. Parimala Devi, B., Boominathan, R. and Subhash. C. Mandal (2004) Studies on psychopharmacological effects of Cleome viscosa.Linn. extract in rats and mice. Phytotherapy Research, UK , 18,2, 169-172.
18. Parimala Devi, B. and Subhash C. Mandal (2004) Evaluation of Antussive activity of Lagerstroemia parvigflora leaf Extract.avijit Mazumder, B.P. Saha, S P Basu, R. Mazumder, R. Boominathan, Phytotherpy Research, UK 18, 9, 780-782.
19. Boominathan, R., Subhash C.Mandal and Parimala Devi, B. (2004) Anti-inflammatory evaluation of Ionidium suffruticosam rats”. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Netherlands.91, 367-370.
20. Boominathan, R., Parimala Devi, B. and Subhash. C Mandal (2004) Studies on Neuropharmacological Effects of Clitoria ternatea Linn. Root. Extract in Rats” and Mice. Natural Product Sciences, Korea.
21. Boominathan, R., Parimala Devi, B. and Subhash C. Mandal (2005) Glucose lowering efficacy of Clitoria ternatea root extract in normal and alloxan diabetic rats. Phytotherapy research (UK).
22. Parimala Devi, B, (2007) Nanomedicine and Health. Biomedicine, Vol.27(3), pp.81- 85.
23. Subasini, U., Raghu, P.S., Rajamanickam, G.V. and Dubey, G.P., (2006) “Depigmentation for Leucoderma – Transgenic Black Mice as a Preclinic Model” Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological methods is an International Journal and the Journal of International Medical Research, pp. 372-378.
24. Subasini U., G.V. Rajamanickam, Dubey, G.P., Prabu, P.C., Savariraj Sahayam, C., Mohammed Shabi, M., Gayathri, K. and Aruna Agrawal. (2007) Hydroalcoholic Extract of Terminalia arjuna: A Potential Hepatoprotective Herb in International Journal of Pharmacology- Journal of Biological Sciences 7 (2) 255-262.
25. Subasini, U., Parimala Devi, B., Rajamanickam, G.V., Dubey, G.P., Arunal Agarwal, Manisha Rastogi and Rudra P.Ohja (2007) Therapeutic potential of Medicinal plants in the management of Alzhimer’s disease. Journal of pharmaceutical Biology, (In press).
26. Gayathri, K., Dhevi, R., Mohamed shabi, M., Subasini, U., Rajamanickam, G.V., Dubey, G.P., Devi, C. and Chitra M. (2007) P.Tomentosa: Reno-protective and membrane stability An Internal Journal for Biomedical Sciences. Vol.27: pp.146-150.
27. Mishra, S.P., Tiwari, D., Prasad, S.K., Dubey, R.S. and Mishra, M. (2006) Inorganic ion exchangers in radioactive waste management. Part XVI : Uptake behaviour of some metal phosphates (Stannic and Zirconium) for 134Cs. J Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 268,191-199.
28. Mishra, S.P., Tiwari, D., Prasad, S.K., Dubey, R.S. and Manisha, M. (2007) Biosorptive behaviour of Mango (Mangifera indica) and Neem (Azadirachta indica) barks for Cs-134 from aqueous solutions-A radiotracer study, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 272, 371-379.
29. Mishra, S.P., Tiwari, D., Prasad, S.K., Dubey, R.S., Tiwari, D., Seung-Mok Lee and Manisha, M. (2007) Biosorptive behaviour of rice hulls for Cs-134 from aqueous solutions-A radiotracer study, J. Appl. Radiat. Isotop., 65, 280-286.
30. Mishra, S.P., Tiwari, D., Prasad, S.K., Dubey, R.S. and Mishra, M. (2006) Inorganic particulates in removal of toxic heavy metal ions:Part X. Removal behaviour of aluminium hydroxide for Hg(II)-A radiotracer study, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 26,191-199.
31. Mishra, M., Dubey, G.P. and Dubey, R.S. (2007) Lead toxicity in growing plants: germination, seedling vigour and biochemical chagesin rice plant. Townsend Letter, 291, 94-98.
32. Mishra, M., Tarunkumar, S., Venkatesan, B., Suriaprabha, K., Mullaicharam, A.R. and Muthuprasanna, P. (2007) Antipyretic activity of ethanolic extract of Indian based herbal drug-Amaranthus spinosus. Natural Products, 3, 190-193.
33. Mishra, M., Venkatkiran, K., Tasneem, H., Suriaprabha, K., Mullaicharam, A.R. and Muthuprasanna, P. (2007) Targeting various sites of gastro intestinal tract using cellulose acetate phthalate and carbopol polymer, Material Sciences, 3, 261-264.
34. Pandey, R, Pandey, H.P., Tripathi, K, Mishra, M. and Upadhyay, L. (2007) Biochemical studies of uraemic toxins with special reference to their hydraulic permeability. Townsend Letter.
35. Shankar, D. (2007) Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Some 3-(4-Methylphenyl)-2-substituted amino-3H-quinazolin-4-ones as Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Agents, Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 340, 41–46.
1. Hannah R Vasanthi, Jaswanth, A. Saraswathy, A. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2002) Scientific validation of the Marine Red Algae Hypnea valentiae (Turn.) Mont. In snake venom Detoxification. Proc. Nat. Sem. Siddha Medicine (R&D) Institution & Pharma-ceuticals industries, pp. 47-52.
2. Eleza, C. Chandrasekar, N. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2002) A scientific evaluation of mineral used in Siddha Medicine: A casestudy on Ayam. Proc. Nat. Sem. Siddha Medicine (R&D) Institution & Pharmaceuticals industries, pp.183-188.
3. Eugene Wilson (2003) presented a paper on Siddha System of Medicine and Herbal Remedies, in the International Conference on Herbal Drugs and Health Tourism Organized by Uttan, New Delhi, during 16th to 17th Dec., 2003. Abs. Vol. pp.111-120.
4. Victor Rajamanickam, V. (2004) presented a key paper on Mineral Matter ‘Pooneeru’ A Traditional Siddha Medicine in the Brain Storming Session on “Herbo-Mineral Pharmaceutical Products in Indian Systems of Medicine Problems & Prospects”, organized by Hamdard University and Indian Geological Congress, New Delhi, 7th - 8th Dec. 2004, Abs. Vol.pp.43-46.
5. Hannah Rachel Vasanthi, (2004) presented a paper on Hepatoprotective action of the marine red alga Gracilaria folifera on CCl4 intoxicated Albino rats, IUPAC International Conference on ‘Biodiversity and Natural Products Chemistry and Medicinal Applications’, Chemistry Department, Delhi University, 26th -31st January 2004.
6. Vidyalakshmi, K.S. (2005) participated in the International Conference on Solid State NMR in Biological Systems at Bangalore from January 24th to 26th 2005 and acquired sufficient input on Structural elucidation of Amyloid fibrils, Instrumentation of Solid state NMR, PISEMA and PITANSEMA experiments.
7. Subasini, U., Hannah R Vasanthi, Dubey, G.P. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2005) Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory activities of Ampelocissus latifolia” Published in National Seminar Sponsored by DST, Govt. of India and organized by Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry, IMS, BHU Banaras Hindu University, 17th and 18th March 2005, Abstract Volume, No.28.
8. Subasini, U., Hannah R Vasanthi, Dubey, G.P. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2005) “Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory activities of Smilax Chinensis”, in National Seminar Sponsored by DST, Govt. of India and organized by; Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry, IMS, BHU Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. 17th and 18th March 2005, Abstract Volume, No.34.
9. Victor Rajamanickam, V. (2005) delivered a keynote address on “Heavy Metals and Traditional System of Medicine”. National Workshop on "Standardization of Traditional Medicine for Global Acceptance as per WHO Guidelines held in Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Deemed University, Chennai, during May 25th and 29th 2005. Abs. Vol., pp. 14.
10. Eugene Wilson (2005) presented a key paper on “Inflammatory Markers and Risk of adverse Cardiovascular event – An Alternative Therapeutic Modality”, in the National Workshop held in Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Deemed University, Chennai, during May 25th and 29th 2005. Abs. Vol., pp.31.
11. Subasini, U. (2005) participated and presented a paper entitled “De-pigmentation for Leucoderma –Transgenic Black Mice as a Pre-clinical Model. 38th Annual Conference on Indian Pharmacological Society.held at Chennai Medical College during 28th to 30th December 2005.
12. Hannah R. Vasanthi, Charles Dorni, A.I., Vidyalakshmi, K.S. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2005) “Free Radical Scavenging and Antioxidant Activity of a Red Algae Acanthophora spicifera – Relation to its Chemical Composition.” National Symposium on Marine Plants, their Chemistry and Utilization, held at Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute, Tuticorin, June 23-25, 2005, Abstract No.62, pp.80 (Best Paper Award).
13. Subasini, U., Hannah R Vasanthi, Dubey, G.P. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2005) Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory activities of Ampelocissus latifolia. In: National Seminar Sponsored by DST, Govt. of India and organized by Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry, IMS, BHU Banaras Hindu University, 17th and 18th March 2005, Abstract Volume, No.28.
14. Subasini, U., Hannah R Vasanthi, Dubey, G.P. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2005) Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory activities of Smilax Chinensis. In: National Seminar Sponsored by DST, Govt. of India and organized by; Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry, IMS, BHU Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. 17th and 18th March 2005, Abstract Volume, No.34.
15. Eugene Wilson (2005) presented 2 papers entitled “Siddha Physicians approach to manage inflammatory diseases” and “Evaluation of Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory activity of Cardiospermum halicacabum. National Seminar on Industry Institution Interface for New Drugs to Manage Inflammatory Diseases held at Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, during 17th and 18th March 2005.
16. Aruna Agrawal, Dubey, G.P. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2006) Ayurvedic Drugs in the Prevention and Management of Neuro-Degenerative Disorders. In the Book Ayurvdea and its Scientific Aspects Opportunities for Globalization, Compiled and Coordinated by Department of AYUSH and R&D Planning Division, CSIR, New Delhi, pp. 183-212.
17. Dubey, G.P., Aruna Agrawal and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2006) Role of Ayurveda in global healthcare. In the Book Ayurvdea and its Scientific Aspects Opportunities for Globalization, Compiled and Coordinated by Department of AYUSH and R&D Planning Division, CSIR, New Delhi, pp. 122-157.
18. Rajamanickam, G.V. (2006) Heavy Metals and Traditional System of Medicine. National Workshop on Standardisation of Traditional Indian Medicine for Global Acceptance as per WHO Guidelines, pp. 101-111.
19. Dubey, G.P., Aruna Agrawal, Maheswari, S.L., Venkatakrishna Murali, R., Eugene Wilson, Subasini, U. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2006) Introduction to Ayurvedic-Safety Aspects of Herbo-metallic compounds-Rasa Aushadhi of Ayurveda. International Conclave on Traditional Medicine, 16th and 17th November 2006, Organized by Department of AYUSH, New Delhi in collaboration with NISCAIR, CSIR, New Delhi, pp. 94-139.
20. Dubey, G.P., Aruna Agrawal and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2006) Role of Ayurveda in global healthcare. International Conclave on Traditional Medicine, 16th and 17th November 2006, Organized by Department of AYUSH, New Delhi in collaboration with NISCAIR, CSIR, New Delhi, pp. 307-333.
21. Aruna Agrawal, Dubey, G.P. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2006) Ayurvedic drugs in the prevention and management of neuro-degenerative disorders. International Conclave on Traditional Medicine, 16th and 17th November 2006, Organized by Department of AYUSH, New Delhi in collaboration with NISCAIR, CSIR, New Delhi, pp. 334-354.
22. Rudra P.Ojha, Manisha Rastogi, Subasini, U., Parimaladevi, B., Rajamanickam, G.V., Dubey, G.P. and Aruna Agrawal (2006) Efficacy of Ayurvedic drug formulation on oxidative stress and Colchicine induced dysfunction in experimental model of Alzheimer’s disease. SFRR-Asia Conference I 8th to 11th January 2006 at Lonavala, In press.
23. Dubey G. P., Victor Rajamanickam G., Aruna Agrawal, Maheswari S. L., Venkatakrishna Murali R., Eugene Wilson and Subasini U. (2006) Introduction to Ayurveda – Safety Aspect of Herbo-Metallic Compounds – Rasa Aushadhi of Ayurveda & Safety Profile of Certain Ayurvedic Herbo-Medicinal Products, International Conclave on Traditional Medicine, organized by The Department of AYUSH, MOHFW, GOI in collaboration with National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (CSIR), 1- 17 November 2006, Proc. Vol. pp- 94 –139.
24. U.Subasini, B.Parimala Devi, G.V. Rajamanickam, G.P.Dubey, Arunal Agarwal. Manisha rastogi, udra P.Ohja (2007) Efficacy of Ayurvedic drug Formulation on Oxidative Stress and Colchicine Induced Dysfunction in Experimental Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. International Conference on Free radicals, SFRR- Asia Conference, Mumbai January 8-11.
1. G. Victor Rajamanickam and S. Prema 2002. Siddha Medicine (R&D Industries and Pharmaceuticals Industries), Tamil University Publication Thanjavur, 305 pp.
2. G.P.Dubey, Aruna Agrawal, G.V.Rajamanickam and G.S,Lavekar 2008. Brain ageing and Ayurveda. Publisher: Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha Dept. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, 307 pp.
3. Aruna Agrawal, Victor Rajamanickam, G., Attrey, D.P. and Dubey, G.P. (2008) Role of Poly Herbal Formulation in Prevention and Management of CHD. In: Advances in Natural Product Important in Health and Economy (Edited by Zheeiar Azanathar), Published by Centre for Science and Technology of Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries, pp.136-159.
In Books
1. Eugene Wilson, Aruna Agrawal, Hannah R. Vasanthi & Dubey, G. P. (2005) Application of Radio-Ligand Receptor – Binding Technique for Evaluation of Therapeutic Efficacy as well by Biological Standardization of an Ayurvedic Formulation : Chronic Inflammatory Diseases & Nutraceuticals (Molecular Mechanism of New Drugs and Basic Concept of Ayurveda), Edited by Yamini Bhusan Tripathi, Publishers- Prof. S. N. Tripathi Memorial Foundation, Varanasi, Vol.1, pp.245-256.
2. G. P. Dubey, Aruna Agrawal and G. Victor Rajamanickam, (2006) Role of Ayurveda in Global Health Care: Ayurveda and its Scientific Aspects – Opportunities for Globalization, compiled & coordinated by Department of AYUSH and CSIR. Printed at NISCAIR, New Delhi- 110 012.
3. Aruna Agrawal, G. Victor Rajamanickam and G. P. Dubey, (2006) Ayurvedic Drugs in the Prevention and Management of Neuro-degenerative disorders: Ayurveda and its Scientific Aspects – Opportunities for Globalization, compiled & coordinated by Department of AYUSH and CSIR. Printed at NISCAIR, New Delhi- 110 012.
4. Aruna Agrawal, Dubey, G.P. and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2006) Ayurvedic Drugs in the Prevention and Management of Neuro-Degenerative Disorders In the Book Ayurvdea and its Scientific Aspects Opportunities for Globalization. Compiled and Coordinated by Department of AYUSH and R&D Planning Division, CSIR, New Delhi, pp. 183-212
5. Dubey, G. P., Aruna Agrawal and Rajamanickam, G.V. (2006) Role of Ayurveda in global healthcare In the Book Ayurvdea and its Scientific Aspects Opportunities for Globalization. Compiled and Coordinated by Department of AYUSH and R&D Planning Division, CSIR, New Delhi, pp.122-157.