HOSTEL REGISTRATION 2024-25 (for senior students) | 06 July, 2024

Dear Students,

The academic year 2024-25 will commence from July, 12, 2024 and to make the hostel admission procedure a simple and hassle-free mechanism will be followed.   

Following are the key points for the year 2024-25 hostel admissions:


1. The registration for hostel will be done online @  wherein a link in the page will direct the students for registration.


2. The said URL will be active as follows:


For the students having registration no. starting with

Reg. No. Date Time Slot



09.00 A.M. to 11.00 A.M.



12.00 Noon to 02.00. P.M.

127 & 128


3.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.

3. All eligible students will have to register during this time period failing which we shall consider that the student is not interested in hostel accommodation. Only current inmates of the hostels are eligible for online registration. Priority for choosing rooms is given to final year students to help them in better preparation for various competitive examinations. However, some rooms in each type will be available for students belonging to II and III year.


4. Students can register online for hostel accommodation, only if tuition fee is already paid.


5. Students paying tuition fee through bank educational loan shall e-mail the Demand Draft detail (Bank Name, Branch, DD No., Amount and Date) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5.00 P.M. of 04.07.2024 in order to be eligible for the hostel online registration.


6. Some students have become ineligible for readmission to hostel due to lack of attendance / absence without permission / indiscipline / disciplinary action. Such students have already been informed to look for alternate accommodation outside. If due to any reason, they register, the registration will automatically be cancelled.


7. All successful registered students are advised to pay the applicable hostel fees through the City Union Bank online portal (Student Web Interface).The payment shall start from 5.00 P.M. on 08.07.2024 and the payment can be made till 11.07.2024 only. However, students paying fees through Bank loans should ensure the DD is paid in the Accounts Department before 16.07.2024.


8. Students who have successfully paid the hostel fee can start occupying the room from 11.07.2024 morning onwards and catering will start with dinner on 11.07.2024. A copy of the hostel fee payment receipt is to be submitted while occupying the room.


9. Students are advised to occupy the rooms allotted to them and not request for any change/exchange. Students who are found to occupy rooms other than the allotted will be expelled from the hostel.


10. SASTRA is not responsible for any delay in online registration or any sort of delay in payment. In the event of any delay, students who are wait-listed for hostel accommodation will automatically be considered for allotment of rooms.


11. Needless to mention that students are expected to maintain the decorum and adhere to the rules and regulations of SASTRA for hostel accommodation, failing which disciplinary action will be taken.


12. The readmission fee will be Rs. 100 /- the annual Hostel charge per student is as follows:

Hostel / Room Type Annual Hostel Lodging Fee



2 - in - 1


3-in-1 / 4-in-1 


Single (Bath Attached)


2-in-1 (Bath Attached)


3-in-1 / 4-in-1 (Bath Attached)


Wishing you all good luck in the ensuing academic year 2024-25.

Dr. K. Saravana Raja Mohan

Dean, Student Welfare

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