ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu, A Consortium of Government of India, Government of Tamil Nadu and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has recently identified SASTRA University as an Associate Nodal Centre for this region for conducting Faculty Development Programme and other ICT related programmes.

As part of it, the first Faculty Development Programme for Computer Science faculty members was conducted at SASTRA University Campus from June 19th to 26 for 8 days on “C# and ASP.Net Programming “with the support of Microsoft. 26 Computer Science faculties from 14 colleges of Tamil Nadu participated in it. Mrs.R.Gayathri of Microsoft certified trainer acted as resource person.

A very deep insight in to the subject including real time project application was taught. The participants informed that they were very happy to gain practical knowledge from this training programme as it gave exposure to corporate expectations also.

Dr.V.Badrinath, Dean i/c, Training & Placement,SASTRA, distributed certificates and in his valedictory address mentioned that “learning is a life time process and as a faculty one should continuously learn and update his knowledge and skill to meet the growing expectations of the students and the corporate world. Also he said that computer science is a dynamic subject and unless faculties update through these kinds of workshops and training, they will become obsolete. Also he thanked the ICTACT for identifying SASTRA as an Associate Nodal Centre.

ShriP.Anand Babu, Relationship manager, Mr.Karthikeyan of ICTACT, Dr.Brinda, Asst. Professor, Mr.V.Chandrasekar of Department of T&P,SASTRA coordinated the Training Programme.

- SASTRA University