WIFI Registration Steps

~~ For New Users~~

Turn on wifi in your laptop and connect to WIFI-REGISTRATION SSID. Fill in the form and visit the wifi registration desk @ TIFAC - CISH

~~For existing users~~

The username and password is the registration number for students and employee code for faculty/staff in caps off. [For ex. use c1234. Dont use C1234]

Windows 8.1 and beyond

Enter your username and password in the prompt which appears when connecting to the SASTRA SSID.


Enter your username and password in the prompt which appears when connecting to the SASTRA SSID.

Windows Xp/Vista/7

1) Download Jaze Xpress Setup tool here.
2) Install the .exe
3) In the application, enter your username and password
4) Click start.
5) You will automatically be connected to the SASTRA SSID


1) Download the ceritificate file
2) Connect to the SASTRA SSID. In the dialog box which appears, set the following values for the various fields -

  • Wireless secuity - WPA & WPA2 Enterprise
  • Authentication - Protected EAP (PEAP)
  • Anonymous identity - [Enter your username]
  • CA certificate - [Upload the certificate file downloaded in the previous step]
  • PEAP version - Automatic
  • Inner Authentication - MSCHAPv2
  • Username - [Enter your username]
  • Password - [Enter your password] Click "Connect"

For Faster Browsing and better system response, perform the following regularly

Step 1:

Check whether you have installed a valid antivirus in your system which is uptodate, Don’t use free antivirus, total security and internet security in your system. A valid Antivirus will do!!

Step 2:

Your data partition should be separate from your operating system partition in the laptop and there should be enough free space. Don’t keep all your downloaded and important files in C:\. Copy those files into another partitions. Also remove the unused and expired softwares in your system and uninstall them.

Step 3:

Clean your Browser history on a regular basis after your browsing job is over.
In the web browser --> go to options and select privacy and clear the history daily.

Step 4:

Clean the temp files once in three days or a week.
Go to start menu in command prompt (or) press windows key +R in your keyboard
Type %temp%
And select all files and press shift +delete.

Step 5:

To delete recent file in your system
Go to start menu in command prompt (or) press windows key +R in your keyboard
Type recent
Then select all files and press Shift+delete

In addition you may run CCleaner (or) Privacy Eraser free once in a week.