Project Assistant Position in Technology Business Incubator @ SASTRA
Area: Internet of Things
Project Title |
IoT Device for Rapid Quality Assessment of Food Grains in Godown |
Funding Agency |
Fellowship |
Fixed 33,000/- per month (No HRA and Medical Allowance) |
Duration |
18 Months |
Essential qualification |
First class B.Tech. (CSE/ECE/E&I), M.Tech. (CSE / Embedded / Electronics / Instrumentation),M.Sc. Electronics. |
Project Description |
This project focuses on design and development of IoT network for grain quality monitoring in warehouses. Further to validate the collected data using multivariate analytical techniques. |
- Interested candidates may send their latest resume by email to Dr. D.Manivannan( fill the form given in the link below on or before 31stJanuary 2020.
- Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for a test and interview.
- The date of the test and interview will be notified by email only to the shortlisted candidates.
- No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.